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Guide to the Library and its services: Library news

Something to celebrate!

by Mrs Toerien on 2023-11-10T16:25:00+00:00 in Inquiry | 0 Comments

We were delighted to be able to be able to gather in the Senior Library on two wet and windy evenings this week for our annual Sixth Form Inquiry Celebrations. These evenings celebrate important beginnings and endings that bookend important stages of the Sixth Form Heroic Inquiry Journey. Each evening began with Y13 final assessed presentations for their Extended Project Qualifications – the culmination of a year long in-depth inquiry into topics that really matter to them individually. It was wonderful listening to Banjo, Chenille, Eowyn, Harry and Tom speaking so confidently and engagingly about fascinating and diverse topics such as:

  • the development of modern mental health legislation out of 18th and 19th century treatments;
  • Shakespeare's use of humour;
  • the benefits of microtransactions to the gaming community; 

  • the politics of archaeology in Jerusalem; and 

  • the relationship between Secular Buddhism and other Buddhist sects. 

Alongside their advice to future EPQ students to plan carefully, to set yourself realistic deadlines (and stick to them!) and to ask for help when you need it, they gave us a real insight into their specialist topics. The EPQ is a structured and guided opportunity to delve deeply into a topic you are passionate about, and no two EPQ journeys are the same. It constantly amazes me how much our young people are capable of when given the freedom and support to explore a topic that really matters to them – and what interesting topics they choose. 

At the other end of the journey, after the EPQ presentations all of our Y12 students had the opportunity to showcase their Interrobang!? Posters. If you are unfamiliar with this six-week course introducing Y12 to the inquiry skills that they need for Sixth Form study, you might want to read the blog post Starting with an Interrobang!? below. Students had produced some thought provoking posters on topics including the synergy between Art and Maths, a comparison of natural and synthetic medicines, the effect of social media on communication and the role of body language in social relationships. For some this will be a lead in to an EPQ of their own, while for others it is just an interesting way to pick up the skills and attitudes they need for Sixth Form Study. 

With almost fifty attendees over the two events, including students, staff, parents, visitors and a Trustee, this was a very special celebration of inquiry at Blanchelande. 

As a final footnote, it is worth reflecting on the fact that Blanchelande is becoming a real centre for inquiry on a world stage, as a consequence of the community of inquiry we continue to build through the FOSIL Group, led by Mr Toerien. This recent social media post from Hartland International School in Dubai shows students there using the Interrobang!? poster format developed here at Blanchelande at the start of their own EPQ process. 

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