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Guide to the Library and its services: Home

Welcome to Blanchelande College Libraries

At Blanchelande we passionately believe that a Library is not just a roomful of books but a set of people, places, collections and services whose purpose is to enable students to know and understand the world and their place in it through informational and recreational reading. This is a guide to the people, places, collections and services that make up Blanchelande College Libraries.

With thanks to the International Baccalaureate Publication "Ideal Libraries"  for informing our definition

The Junior Library and its collections

The Primary Library is in the Year 4 classroom and all Juniors have a timetabled lesson in there every week to change their books (Infants have their books in their own classrooms). Mrs Garner, the Primary Librarian, manages this Library abley assisted by her team of pupil Librarians. The collection is divided into Fiction and Non-fiction with spine stickers giving students some guidance about reading level.

The Senior Library and its collections

The Senior Library is, fittingly, right at the very top of the Senior School and is open from 8am to 4.30pm on school days during term time. Mr Toerien (Head of Inquiry-Based Learning and Libraries) and Mrs Toerien (Librarian and EPQ Co-ordinator) are based in this Library, although Mr Toerien has overall responsibility for both. The Senior Library is used for a range of activities throughout the day - inquiry lessons, reading lessons, independent study and meetings, as well as a space for reading, homework and quiet games during break and lunch.

The Senior Library houses a number of different collections:

  • Non-fiction: including professional studies, local studies and quick reads
  • Fiction: including senior fiction (aimed at years 7-9), adult fiction (aimed at year 9 and above), quick reads, dyslexia friendly and graphic novels
  • Journals, magazines and newspapers

and there are also ten networked PCs.


Library staff are information professionals . The services that the Library offers are built around both its collections and its staff.


Students may borrow up to 5 books for 2 weeks, after which time the books should either be returned or renewed. If you need any help to choose a book to borrow, either for work or recreation, please ask.

Book requests and collection development

If you want a book that we don't have, please ask as we might be able to get it for you.


Both the Library collection and the Library staff are ideally placed to support inquiry - Mr Toerien developed the FOSIL Cycle and between them Mr & Mrs Toerien run the FOSIL Group website. If you need any help finding resources to support your inquiry, either print or online, please ask. The Library staff can also help you with planning your inquiry and using the resources you find, for example taking notes, working with sources and citing and referencing.

Head of Inquiry Based Learning and Libraries

Librarian and EPQ Co-ordinator

Infant and Junior Librarian