Work your way through this page, doing all the exercises carefully. By the time you have finished you will be ready to write your report.
STOP! Do this now and write it down somewhere
STOP! Do this now.
You should now have set a document up in your HPQ OneDrive folder and have made a note of your candidate number.
When you have done this, continue to the instructions below.
STOP! Set up your title page now
STOP! Set up your header and footer now
Look for the report structure document in your file (or download another copy from the box on the right). Read it through carefully to remind yourself of all the things you need to think about when writing your report.
Pause for a moment and have a good look at the Report Structure document. You should have a copy in your folder but if not you can download one from the box to the right of this page. You don't have to use exactly this structure (particularly if you are writing an artefact report, where you might choose, for example, to structure your report chronologically and MUST have a section looking at how you evaluated your artefact). However, you should make sure you cover all these ideas.
All done? Move on to thinking about your bibliograpy and captions.
STOP! Have a go at this now. You don't have to add all your sources immediately, but start with one or two to make sure you know what you are doing. You'll want to come back and add as many as possible before you start writing to make the writing process as easy as possible. Use the Citing and Referencing tab of this guide to help you.
Something to think about if you use any images. Remember that if they are not your own images they must be cited too.
STOP! Do this now
There are other ways to structure paragraphs, but this is often a good start...
You should have a document with:
Now you are ready to start writing your report...