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Y10 Higher Project Qualification: Working with sources

Writing with sources self-study

Work through the following lesson carefully, sending me your responses (and any questions) in the General Channel of the HPQ Team when the lesson specifically asks you to.

1. Watch the video below about writing with sources:

This is a reminder of our lesson on kiwis vs bananas from a couple of weeks ago. You should have already started organising your information into topics. This 'research matrix' gives you another idea about how you might organise information from different sources to form your own argument.

2. Now watch the video below on synthesising sources. Pay particular attention to how the presenter forms quotes, paraphrases and summaries from her sources. You should pause the video to give you time to look at the quotes and paraphrases carefully:

3. Now work through the slides below, doing the exercises at the end of each slideshow and posting your answer on the General Channel of the HPQ Team:

Quotation examples

Using Ellipsis

Using square brackets

Using [sic]

What are signal phrases?

What are signal phrases for?

Adapted from 11.4 Signal Phrases by John Lanning and Amanda Lloyd, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

TASK 1: Do this in HPQ Team General Chat

How to paraphrase

Paraphrase examples

Well done! You have completed this lesson. Check for any feedback I have given you in the chat, then continue your work on your own project towards Mid-Project Review.

Further reading (and bibliography)

If you need further information or advice: