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Y6 Signature Work: General campaign organisations

Organisations we researched BEFORE our exhibition

I've collected a list of helpful links for each topic to make it easier for you to find high quality resources quickly. If you use other sites, make sure that you check that they are trustworthy. There is a lot of nonsense out there online! If you can't be sure, then don't use the information.

Always collect the URL of any site you use for information or images. You should paste these URLs onto the back of your poster, the end of your letter or the notes field of your PPT

Water Aid

The Clean Earth Trust (and beach cleaning)

If you want to join a beach clean, dates and times can be found on the Clean Earth Trust Facebook page - but you will need to access this outside school. If you want to persuade people to join a beach clean you could put this link on posters:

or use the QR code below (always a good idea to give the link and the QR code on a poster in case someone can't access the code).

Marine Conservation Society campaigns:

World Wildlife Fund oceans and plastic pollution schools resources

Little Princess Trust

CAFOD World Gifts

Main CAFOD site:

Primary school ideas:

Includes assembly slides and posters (you'll need to select and adapt these rather than just use them)

Remember to check the Running a Campaign tab for information on:
  • Making presentations
  • Writing letters
  • Making posters
  • Fundraising
  • Writing articles
You MUST have a PLAN. Who is going to do what? By when? You have about 4 hours of class time in total spread over two weeks to complete this work.