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Y6 Signature Work: Running a campaign

All documents must be saved in your group folder on your class Team so everyone can access them.

Adding or creating a file in your Team

Find the Campaign folder

Open your class Team then:

  1. Make sure you are in the General channel
  2. Click on Files
  3. Select _Signature-Work-Campaigns

Open your group's folder

If you want to create a new document...

...Click on New and then choose the type of document you want (make sure you give it a name)

If you want to upload an existing document...

...(e.g. if you are going to use the Letter Writing template from the Running a Campaign guide),

click on Upload, choose File and then find the document you want.

Writing letters

You will need to write a letter if:

  • You want to run a fundraising event in school (Mr O'Brien & Mr Allison)
  • You want to present in Assembly (Mr Allions for Primary Assembly, Mr O'Brien for Whole School Assembly)
  • You want to do something with a class (Class teacher/ Mrs Yeoman for Infants)

You don't need to write a letter if you are just putting up posters or making an artwork, for example.

Keep your letter quite short (1 page if possible) but make sure you inclde the reason that you think your action matters.

Save your letter in your shared folder in the Documents section of your class Team.

Making posters

Look in your booklet for advice on making a good poster.

  • Decide whether you want to make it by hand or on screen
  • If you make it on screen, I suggest you use PowerPoint with the slide size set to A4 (ask for help if you don't know how to do this)
  • If you want to make it by hand, ask for materials
  • Remeber to think about your audience, keep it simple and reference all your sources (on the back if you prefer)

Creating presentations

Look in your booklet for advice on making good presentations

Running events and competitions

If you want to run an event or competition, you must write a letter asking for permission as soon as possible (see above).

When organising your event, think about:

  • Keeping it simple!
  • How will you advertise your event? Do you need an assembly slide? Do you need to write a paragraph for the previous week's newsletter to make sure parents send children in with money?
  • What help will you need? Will you need tables? Will you need change? Will you need adult support?
  • Where and when will your event be? Campaign week is the week beginning April 29th. Is your event aimed at children (then lunchtime might be good), or at parents (then pick up time would be best)?
  • What do you need on the day of your event?

Writing articles

What is the purpose of your article ? Who is the audience? Most articles will be for the school newsletter, which is aimed at parents. If it is for the newsletter, Mr Allison needs it by the end of the day on the Wednesday before it is published.

Try to keep your article reasonably short and informative - aim for a maximum of 200 words - and add a suitable image. If you want to write something longer then we will put it on the Library blog and link to it. Make sure you say where you got any information and images from (you can use a URL or the title and author of a book).

Creating a QR code

For posters in particular QR codes can be help people access websites quickly. This only works where people have access to phones - so it's good for a poster aimed at parents but not great for a poster aimed at children. To generate a QR code search for 'free QR code maker', for example QR Code Monkey. Always include the link too, in case someone can't access the QR code.