I've collected a list of helpful links for each topic to make it easier for you to find high quality resources quickly.
If you use other sites, make sure that you check that they are trustworthy. There is a lot of nonsense out there online! If you can't be sure, then don't use the information.
Always collect the URL of any site you use for information or images. You should paste these URLs onto the back of your poster, the end of your letter or the notes field of your PPT.
Remember that you can also find information about making different kinds of products on the Running a Campaign tab.
Age concern Guernsey https://www.ageconcernguernsey.org.gg/
World Economic Forum: 4 ways to improve the lives of older people: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/healthy-ageing-older-people/
How your children can help the elderly https://www.safesplash.com/blog/5-simple-and-beneficial-ways-for-kids-to-help-the-elderly
Make sure you look at the 'Running a campaign' tab where you will find information on:
You MUST have a PLAN. Who is going to do what? By when? You have about 4 hours of class time in total spread over two weeks to complete this work.