Blanchelande welcomes new students with open arms. If there are questions or problems, then the reception is a place where students can come to.
If you're having some trouble with something you can go to the reception and ask a teacher for help, if you are in need of some medication and having stomach pains or headaches you can go to the clinic.
There are 2 libraries in the school one is for the younger students (Primary school) the second one is for junior/high school students and senior high.
In breaktime and in lunchtime, if new students don’t know where to eat, you can go to the main hall, or the cafeteria. In which case is if you don’t have food, you can order pack or hot lunch. There is a website in which the parents can order lunch for the new students.
Each student will be given a timetable. If your timetable has changed and you don't know where to go, other students can help you and teachers will be willing to help.