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Extended Project Qualification: Citing and referencing

Citations vs references

How to reference a BOOK

How to reference a JOURNAL ARTICLE

How to reference a WEBPAGE

Inserting your bibliography

Other common formats

Video source from the internet e.g. Streaming services such as YouTube or Vimeo, and databases such as MASSOLIT

Uploader, A. [Username]. (Year, Month Date uploaded). Title of video [Video]. Retrieved <Date Accessed>* from Streaming Service: URL

*IB students should provide a "Date accessed" but it is not a requirement of APA, so other students don't need to

Author note: If the actual name of the uploader is the same as the username, omit [Username]. If the actual name of the uploader is unknown, then just state the Username without the square brackets. The 'author' for the reference is the person or organisation who uploaded it (e.g. on YouTube this would be the name of the YouTube account that appears just below and to the left of the video title). If this is not the actual author of the video and this is important for your reader, you can explain this in the text. 

Example 1: Manufacturing Intellect. (2019, August 29). RARE Toni Morrison interview on Beloved (1987) [Video]. Retrieved May 31, 2020 from YouTube:

Toni Morrison ref

Example 2: Wicks, J. [The Body Coach TV]. (2019, September 4). 5 minute move | Kids workout 1 [Video]. Retrieved May 31, 2020 from YouTube:

Body coach

In-text citation: If you insert an automatic citation for this source, you will get (Wicks, J. [The Body Coach], 2019), which is not ideal. You actually want (Wicks, 2019). The only solution is to just type each citation manually rather than insert it using the citation tool. This is fine, but you will need to remember at the end of your work, when you check the Citation Manager to remove any sources you haven't used from your bibliography*, this source won't be ticked in the Citation Manager even though you have used it (so you should leave it in).

*If you don't know how to do this, check the appropriate "Managing Sources" document in the right-hand column of this page.

Example 3: Blazek, W. (2018) Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby - The American Dream [Video lecture]. Retrieved May 31, 2020 from MASSOLIT:

NOTE: For MASSOLIT there is a "Cite this lecture" tab immediately under the lecture video which gives you all of this information in practically this format. I have adjusted the end slightly both to make it consistent with your other citations and to make it work with the Word tools.



Personal interviews (i.e. ones you conducted yourself that are not published anywhere), emails, letters and conversations (in person or virtual) must be cited in the text, but are not included in your bibliograpy. The bibliography ONLY includes sources that someone else could retrieve if they looked hard enough.


This means that you do not use the tools in Word to put these citations in - just type them. The format is:

(A. N. Interviewee, personal communication, Month Day, Year)

e.g. (De Vido, D., personal interview, 28 October 2017)


If it was an email or a letter you could put e.g. 'personal email' instead. You MUST include any notes from the interview in an appendix.


The referencing tools in Word ONLY work when it is open in the desktop app. They don't work when it is in Teams or in the browser